A Thanksgiving message from the Holy Land!

My husband and I just came home from an amazing couple’s trip to Israel. It was his first time there so it was so much fun to see it through his eyes.

What a magical place with such a rich history!

Now that we’re back, I’m looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving. It’s definitely one of my favorite holidays! I love having my family all together in one place. My boys will be back home from college, so I will be one happy mama!

Besides gathering together over good food, one of the main components of Thanksgiving is gratitude.

Here’s a quick video where I share some of my thoughts on this very topic:

I’ve been practicing gratitude since the age of twenty-nine, when my close friend gave me a journal at the time of my cancer diagnosis. She told me to write five things I am grateful for each day. Although at the time I wasn’t feeling very grateful, I began focusing on all my blessings instead of focusing on my hardships. Before long, I began to feel less fearful and more hopeful, and have made it a regular practice ever since.

Dr. P. Murali Doraiswamy, head of biologic psychology at Duke University Medical Center once said that “if [thankfulness] were a drug, it would be the world’s best- selling product with a health maintenance indication for every major organ system.”

Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, and a higher sense of well-being.

Keep in mind that it’s not just something to practice when things are going well—when we land our dream job, are in good health, feel financially secure or lose unwanted pounds—but something to practice at all times.

Gratitude gives us strength and perseverance amidst our struggles and hope when there might otherwise be none.

Of course, like anything, it takes practice, as many of us are trained to notice what is broken, unfair or lacking in our lives. And for gratitude to meet its full healing potential, it needs to become more than just a Thanksgiving word. We have to learn a new way of looking at things, form a new habit. And that can take some time.

Not sure where to begin? Here are some suggestions:

  1.  Keep a gratitude journal by your bed and write one to five things you are grateful for each morning or evening.
  2. Make an effort to tell a spouse, significant other or friend what you appreciate about them.
  3. Make it a practice to tell yourself something you appreciate about yourself or something that you did well today.
  4. Make a game of finding the hidden blessing in a challenging situation.
  5. When you feel like complaining, make a gratitude list instead. You may be surprised by how much better you feel.

As you practice, an inner shift begins to occur, and you may be surprised to discover how content and hopeful you are feeling. That is gratitude at work!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love, good health and lots to be grateful for!


P.S. Ready to feel more confident in your body again?  Schedule your Confidently Cancer-Free Breakthrough Session today!

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In Category: Living Cancer Free
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