How to thrive again after cancer

Have you ever thought about why you got cancer or how you can avoid it? I know when I went through my journey many years ago, I had so many questions. I just wanted the assurance that everything would be okay, that I would feel safe in my body again, and that my body would become whole & healthy.

After researching foods and implementing techniques that would help support my body in healing, I came to the realization that when we do what’s best to support our body, it has an amazing ability to heal.

More importantly, I became aware that no matter what state of health we are in, we are whole; we’re not defective. There is NOTHING wrong with us. Our bodies are constantly trying to remain in a state of harmony and balance. When we get a diagnosis of cancer, our body is trying to tell us that something is out of balance; that we are in a state of DIS-EASE.

So what are some things you can do to get your body to thrive again?  

  1. Don’t bury your emotions. Look at what you’ve been through in your past and what you are going through now and acknowledge it. Work through it. How can you make it better?
  2. Eat to nourish your body. Like Hippocrates said thousands of years ago, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
  3. Make sure you move your body every day. This doesn’t mean you need a difficult exercise routine. Just do something to get your heart rate going each day. If you’ve been sitting at a desk all day, make sure you get up and stretch every hour.
  4. Learn about toxins and how you can reduce your toxic load.
  5. Learn to de-stress. Our body is in heal and repair mode when we are in a state of relaxation, not when we are in a fight or flight state.

If we want to prevent and recover from diseases like cancer, we need to have the mindset that we are willing to do everything in our power to remain healthy. We need to take responsibility for our own health. We know our self and our body better than anyone.

Our medical model is to “fight” the disease, “kill” the cancer, “win the war” on cancer, and although oncologists have great intentions, they don’t teach us how to be WELL.

Now don’t get me wrong. This isn’t to say don’t go to your doctor, but what I am saying is, don’t just rely on him or her to tell you if you are healthy.

When you begin to take your POWER back when it comes to your health, trust me, your fear will begin to subside and you will GAIN CONFIDENCE in your ability to remain disease free!

With love and good health!

P.S. Ready to feel more confident in your body again?  Schedule your Confidently Cancer-Free Breakthrough Session today!

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In Category: Living Cancer Free
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