3 things that cause 90% of cancers

Did you know that according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, there were 14.1 million cancer cases in 2012 worldwide, and by 2030, the number is expected to grow to 21.7 million new cases?

In fact, statistics show that 1 out of 3 people will get cancer in their lifetime.

I know this may sound bleak, but I want to emphasize that it is NOT a losing battle.

We CAN win the War on Cancer.  But to do it, we MUST think differently. We can’t just sit back and assume that there is nothing we can do to avoid a diagnosis or a recurrence; that whether or not we get cancer just has to do with bad luck.

In fact, a recent study published in the journal, Nature, shows that up to 90% of cancers can be attributed to diet, lifestyle and environmental factors.

The research concludes that only 10-30% of cancers are the result of a natural mutation (or intrinsic factors). The rest, up to 90%, can be traced to external factors such as pollution, ultraviolet radiation, stress, diet and exercise.

Studies are definitely showing that our health and longevity is largely in our control.

Coming from a strong family history of cancer and heart disease, it’s great to have science back up what my intuition told me ever since my cancer diagnosis in 1998—that whether or not one remains healthy isn’t some random coincidence that has to do with luck.

Yes, you inherit certain genes that make you predisposed to health issues like cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  But, as the study of epigenetics shows, how you choose to eat, think, move and live can determine whether or not these genes get turned on or off.

In other words, your genes are not your destiny!

Just like you can make better choices with diet and exercise, science says that your thoughts play a huge role in whether or not you will remain healthy and vibrant. (If you’re interested in learning more, I highly recommend the book, The Biology of Belief, by Dr. Bruce Lipton.)

Now this isn’t to say that you must only think positive thoughts.  Of course, I’m not recommending that you just bury your feelings and put on a happy face. Give yourself permission to kick, scream and feel sad (for a little while).

Feel your feelings, and when it’s time, release them. Let them go. 

Why is this important?

Because holding on to negative thoughts create stress in the body, impairing your immune system.  This, my friend, is not conducive to healing!

So what are some ways to release these negative thoughts?  

  • Buy a journal and write in it daily. Write whatever comes up for you. Don’t edit it or judge it. Putting your feelings on paper helps you release them.
  • Say “YES” to change. Your life may not be the same as it was pre-cancer but the more you embrace change, the more doors will open for you to improve your life.
  • Ask for help. Pick a handful of people that will elevate you and have your best interest in mind. Choose people that will listen closely and not treat you like a victim.
  • Ask yourself how you can look at the situation differently. How can you make it more positive?

Hope this helps you on your healing journey!

With love and good health!

P.S. Need support in making the necessary changes to live a life of peace, joy and vibrant health after cancer? Schedule your Confidently Cancer-Free Breakthrough Session today!

P.P.S. Would love to hear your comments! Please scroll  all the way down to the bottom to continue the conversation and feel free to share this with anyone you think may benefit!






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