Patricia Bowden-Luccardi | How to Keep Your Breasts Healthy
Having studied and taught a variety of natural health modalities and therapies, Patricia has been a lifetime student of integrative health and wellness.
For over 25 years she has been teaching and providing private consultations on health protocols customized to her clientele’s personal needs.
During the past twelve years, Patricia has focused her expertise on the natural prevention of breast cancer. She is a professional advocate and practitioner for the promotion of radiation-free thermography.
Her public seminars and lectures are designed to educate women about the serious health risks of environmental toxins, endocrine disruptors, and breast cancer.
Her natural protocols including diet, plant-based supplementation and lifestyle changes have revealed extraordinary results that have been later visibly confirmed by thermographic imaging.
Patricia holds licensed certifications in Thermographic Technology, Clinical Massage Therapy, Food as Medicine, and Whole Health EducationÔ and lifestyle and wellness coaching. A member of Professional Academy of Clinical Thermology, she authored the book Thermography and the Fibrocystic and Dense Breast, a Radiation-Free Guide to Happy Healthy Breasts.
During our conversation, Patricia shares how thermography is used in prevention of breast cancer, how thermography can detect estrogen dominance, the causes of estrogen dominance, why bras can lead to breast cancer, and how to make your breasts thrive.
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