Dr. Loretta Friedman | Proven Strategies for Lymphedema Relief
Dr. Loretta is a highly skilled Directional Non-Force Technique Chiropractor and Toxicity Specialist. As the creator of Lymph-Biologics™, she stands out as the sole practitioner in the country using this method. With a background in holistic nutrition and experience as an author, Dr. Loretta is dedicated to helping others achieve optimal health and wellness. She works with patients worldwide through telemedicine or in-person at her office in New York City.
During our conversation, Dr. Loretta shares how she helps people with lymphedema by addressing underlying toxicity in the body, how she tests for toxicities, signs that toxicity is present in the body, how she helps people recover more quickly after surgery, and the foundational diet she recommends to anyone dealing with a cancer diagnosis.
For more information and to purchase her book, “Lymph-Link, go to synergyhealthassociates.com
The Cancer Liberation Project is sponsored by thekarlfeldtcenter.com