Elizabeth Benedict | Rewriting Illness

With wisdom, self-effacing wit and the story-telling artistry of an acclaimed novelist, Elizabeth Benedict recollects her cancer diagnosis after discovering multiplying lumps in her armpit. In compact, explosive chapters, interspersed with moments of self-mocking levity, she chronicles her illness from muddled diagnosis to “natural remedies,” to debilitating treatments, as she gathers sustenance from family, an assortment of urbane friends, and a fearless “cancer guru.” 

Amidst weighty concerns of the Covid pandemic and an all-consuming obsession over her ailments, Rewriting Illness is suffused with suspense, secrets, and the unexpected solace of silence.

During our conversation, Elizabeth shares why she was reluctant to write about her illness, why she feels doctors delayed giving her appropriate tests when she felt a lump under her arm, what she’s doing differently post cancer, how her lifelong fear of flying subsided after treatment, and how COVID helped her fit in with everyone else.

For more information, go to Elizabethbenedict.com

The book can be purchased at https://www.amazon.com/Rewriting-Illness-Elizabeth-Benedict/dp/1942134916/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38N5U2EKIZQRM&keywords=rewriting+illness+by+elizabeth+benedict&qid=1690456989&sprefix=rewriting+illness%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-1

The Cancer Liberation Project is sponsored by thekarlfeldtcenter.com

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