Jennifer Dickenson | Thriving After Brain Cancer

After an MRI in 2011 Jennifer received the scariest words that she could’ve ever imagined…you have brain cancer, we need to get you to the hospital right away.

No sympathy or cause for concern. Just the facts.

Pre-cancer, Jennifer lived a life that many of us do. Career first, long hours, not enough time with family and friends, very little sleep, some exercise. She was the personification of the American dream. Successful by most of the things we use to measure our lives.

If this fact pattern sounds familiar, this is a conversation many of you will resonate with. Jennifer soon was told that her cancer was grade 4 glioblastoma. Statistically, not likely that she would survive.

But this is a story of healing on one’s own terms. Very soon after getting the horrific news, Jennifer started taking control of her life and her health, which she shares in her book, The Case for Hope.

During our conversation Jennifer shares the symptoms her doctor dismissed as stress related, how she found hope through difficult odds, how the practice of Qigong changed her perspective, her thoughts about not giving up, her realization that her career as a top lawyer meant nothing, and the powerful message she wants everyone to know.

For more information and to purchase her book, go to

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